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Orchestral stop banner



Double Dulciana 16
Dulciana   8
Open Diapason    8
Violin Diapason   8
Stopped Diapason   8
Concert Flute   8
Salicional   8
Quintadena   8
Vox Angelica   8
Vox Celeste (Sharp)   8
Keraulophon   8
Forest Flute   4
Salicet   4
Piccolo   2
Soft Cornet VI
Saxophone 16
Saxophone   8
English Horn   8
Clarinet   8  
Unenclosed Great  
Sub Principal 32
Contra Gamba 16
Double Diapason 16
Sub Quint 10 2/3
Diapason Phonon   8
Diapason Major   8
First Diapason   8
Second Diapason   8
Third Diapason   8
Fourth Diapason   8
Gamba (2 ranks)   8
Major Tibia   8
Mezzo Tibia   8
Minor Tibia   8
Double Flute   8
Nasard Flute (2 ranks)   8
Octave   4
Mixture VIII
Harmonic Trumpet   8
Enclosed Great  
Covered Tibia   8
Harmonic Flute   8
Quint   5 1/3
Harmonic Flute   4
Principal   4
Tierce   3 1/5
Octave Quint   2
Super Octave   2
Mixture VII
Double Trumpet 16
Tuba   8
Trumpet   8
Harmonic Clarion   4
Great Chorus  
Chorus Diapason Magna   8
Chorus Stentorphone   8
Chorus First Diapason   8
Chorus Second Diapason   8
Chorus Third Diapason   8
Chorus Major Flute   8
Chorus Double Flute   8
Chorus Gamba   8
Chorus Flute   4
Chorus Octave   4
Chorus Nasard   2 2/3
Double Diapason 16
Soft Bourdon 16
Stentorphone   8
Horn Diapason   8
Violin Diapason   8
Bell Flute   8
Orchestral Flute   8
Harmonic Flute   8
Grand Flute (2 ranks)   8
Double Flute   8
Tibia Dura   8
Clarabella   8
Melodia   8
Soft Dulciana   8
Gamba Celeste (2 ranks, Sharp)   8
Gamba   8
Quint Bourdon   5 1/3
Harmonic Flute (2 ranks)   4
First Octave   4
Second Octave   4
Nazard (prepared for)   2 2/3
Harmonic Piccolo   2
Corroborating Mixture V
Mixture VI
Bass Tuba 16
Bass Trombone 16
Contra Fagotto 16
Double Oboe Horn 16
Trombone   8
Tuba   8
Fagotto   8
Oboe   8
Trumpet   8
Horn   8
Bassett Horn   8
Clarinet   8
Clarinet (2 ranks)   8
Vox Humana (2 ranks)   8
Harmonic Clarion   4
Musette   4
Swell Original String Division  
Contra Bass 16
Violoncello   8
Viol   8
Viol (Sharp)   8
Viola   8
Quint Viol   5 1/3
Octave Viol   4
Violina   4
Tierce   3 1/5
String Mixture V
Viol Cornet IV
Double Open Diapason 16
Grand Viol 16
First Diapason   8
Second Diapason   8
Third Diapason   8
Violin Diapason   8
Viol   8
Viol (Sharp)   8
Harmonic Flute   8
Tierce Flute (2 ranks)   8
Chimney Flute   8
Clarabella   8
Gemshorn   8
Nasard Gamba (2 ranks)   8
Grand Gamba   8
Grand Gamba (Sharp)   8
Quintaphon   8
Quint Diapason   5 1/3
Octave   4
Harmonic Flute   4
Harmonic Tierce   3 1/5
Twelfth Harmonic   2 2/3
Piccolo Harmonic   2
Double Trumpet 16
Tuba 16
Trumpet   8
Soft Tuba   8
Cornopean   8
Ophicleide   8
Musette   8
Ophicleide   4
Soft Tuba   4
Grand Mixture VI
Mixture V
Mixture VI
Bourdon 16
First Open Diapason   8
Second Open Diapason   8
Clear Flute   8
Harmonic Flute   8
Double Flute   8
Quint Flute   8
Grand Gamba   8
Grand Gamba (Sharp)   8
Octavo   4
Harmonic Flute   4
Twelfth Harmonic   2 2/3
Harmonic Piccolo   2
Mixture IV
Tuba Profunda 16
Tuba Mirabilis   8
French Trumpet   8
Grand Clarinet   8
Post Horn   8
Tuba Clarion   4
Tuba Magna (from 8′, without bass octave) 16
Tuba Magna   8

Named after a Homeric herald with the voice of 50 men, the Stentor division was never installed as such, but at present contains one unenclosed 8′ Tuba rank (25″) also available electrically as a 16′ without the bottom octave. The sixth, Stentor manual is also capable of playing the Great Diapason Magna, the Orchestral French Horns, the Ethereal Clear Flute, the String Nasard Gambas and String Celli independently from other stops in their home divisions. This arrangement allows these voices to be used as solo stops or for  special effects, while the remainder of the home division is freed for other purposes. The Stentor Tuba is also playable on the Ethereal at 8′.  Various proposals for the original Stentor, which was to contain powerful diapasons, bold mixtures and powerful reeds of 50″ and 100″ is found in the book Music in the Marketplace, available at our Webstore.

Bourdon 16
Open Diapason   8
Violin Diapason   8
Stopped Diapason   8
Night Horn   8
Clarabella   8
Melodia   8
Orchestral Viol   8
Soft Viol   8
Soft Viol (Sharp)   8
Unda Maris (2 ranks)   8
Open Quint   5 1/3
Octave   4
Harmonic Flute   4
Mellow Flute   4
Cornet Mixture V
Mixture VI
Double Trumpet 16
Trumpet   8
Capped Oboe   8
Euphone   8
Vox Humana   8
Contra Quintadena 16
Duophone   8
Tibia   8
Covered Tibia   8
Concert Flute   8
Harmonic Flute   8
Mellow Flute   8
String Flute   8
Double Flute   8
Hollow Flute   8
Harmonic Flute   4
Orchestral Flute   4
Covered Flute   4
Octave   4
Harmonic Piccolo   2
English Horn 16
Bass Clarinet 16
Bass Saxophone 16
Bassoon 16
English Horn   8
Orchestral Clarinet   8
Saxophone   8
Orchestral Bassoon   8
Bassett Horn   8
Oboe   8
Orchestral Oboe   8
Orchestral Trumpet   8
First French Horn   8
Second French Horn   8
Third French Horn   8
Kinura   8
Muted Cornet   8
Vox Humana Chorus  
Vox Humana 16
First Vox Humana   8
Second Vox Humana   8
Third Vox Humana   8
Fourth Vox Humana   8
Fifth Vox Humana   8
Sixth Vox Humana   8
Seventh Vox Humana   8
Violone 16
First Contra Gamba 16
Second Contra Gamba 16
First Contra Viol 16
Second Contra Viol 16
First Viol 16
Second Viol 16
Violin Diapason   8
Gamba   8
Nasard Gamba (2 ranks)   8
Nasard Gamba (2 ranks, sharp)   8
First Cello (Natural)   8
First Cello (Sharp)   8
First Cello (Flat)   8
Second Cello (Natural)   8
Second Cello (Sharp)   8
Second Cello (Flat)   8
First Orchestral Violin (Natural)   8
First Orchestral Violin (Sharp)   8
First Orchestral Violin (Flat)   8
Second Orchestral Violin (Natural)   8
Second Orchestral Violin (Sharp)   8
Second Orchestral Violin (Flat)   8
Third Orchestral Violin (Natural)   8
Third Orchestral Violin (Sharp)   8
Third Orchestral Violin (Flat)   8
Fourth Orchestral Violin (Natural)   8
Fourth Orchestral Violin (Sharp)   8
Fourth Orchestral Violin (Flat)   8
Fifth Orchestral Violin (Natural)   8
Fifth Orchestral Violin (Sharp)   8
Fifth Orchestral Violin (Flat)   8
Sixth Orchestral Violin (Natural)   8
Sixth Orchestral Violin (Sharp)   8
Sixth Orchestral Violin (Flat)   8
First Muted Violin (Natural)   8
First Muted Violin (Sharp)   8
First Muted Violin (Flat)   8
Second Muted Violin (Natural)   8
Second Muted Violin (Sharp)   8
Second Muted Violin (Flat)   8
Third Muted Violin (Natural)   8
Third Muted Violin (Sharp)   8
Third Muted Violin (Flat)   8
Fourth Muted Violin (Natural)   8
Fourth Muted Violin (Sharp)   8
Fourth Muted Violin (Flat)   8
Fifth Muted Violin (Natural)   8
Fifth Muted Violin (Sharp)   8
Fifth Muted Violin (Flat)   8
Sixth Muted Violin (Natural)   8
Sixth Muted Violin (Sharp)   8
Sixth Muted Violin (Flat)   8
First Orchestral Violina (Natural)   4
First Orchestral Violina (Sharp)   4
Second Orchestral Violina (Natural)   4
Second Orchestral Violina (Sharp)   4
Quint Viol (Natural)   5 1/3
Quint Viol (Sharp)   5 1/3
Tierce Viol (Natural)   3 1/5
Tierce Viol (Sharp)   3 1/5
Nazard Violina (Natural)   2 2/3
Nazard Violina (Sharp)   2 2/3
Super Violina (Natural)   2
Super Violina (Sharp)   2
First Dulciana (Natural)   8
First Dulciana (Sharp)   8
Second Dulciana (Natural)   8
Second Dulciana (Sharp)   8
Third Dulciana (Natural)   8
Third Dulciana (Sharp)   8
Fourth Dulciana (Natural)   8
Fourth Dulciana (Sharp)   8
Fifth Dulciana (Natural)   8
Fifth Dulciana (Sharp)   8
Sixth Dulciana (Natural)   8
Sixth Dulciana (Sharp)   8
First Octave Dulciana (Natural)   4
First Octave Dulciana (Sharp)   4
Second Octave Dulciana (Natural)   4
Second Octave Dulciana (Sharp)   4
Dulciana Mutation V
Major Chimes 37 tubular chimes, tenor C to c1; Deagan
Minor Chimes 25 tubular chimes, G to G; Aeolian
Metalophone 49 metal bars, tenor C to C2
Celesta 49 metal bars, tenor C to c2; Mustel
Piano I (prepared for)
Piano II 88 notes; Schomacker upright; expressive
Harp I 49 metal bars, tenor C to c2
Harp II (prepared for)
Gongs 49 metal bars tenor C to c2
Chinese Gong This is an 84″-diameter Paiste Symphonic Gong
Cymbalstar Given by Bob Knight as a memorial to Virgil Fox
Cymbal Roll Based on a design by Lyn Larsen
Main Pedal  
Gravissima 64
Contra Diaphone 32
Diaphone 16
First Contra Open Diapason (wood) 32
Second Contra Open Diapason (metal) 32
First Open Diapason 16
Second Open Diapason 16
Third Open Diapason 16
Open Diapason   8
Contra Bourdon 32
Bourdon 16
Soft Bourdon 16
Octave Soft Bourdon   8
Open Flute 16
Soft Flute   8
Flute   4
Violone 16
Gamba 16
Dulciana 16
Soft Dulciana   8
Open Quint 10 2/3
Stopped Quint 10 2/3
Stentor   8
Octave   8
First Tibia   8
Second Tibia   8
First Tibia   4
Second Tibia   4
First Cello   8
Second Cello   8
Principal   4
Octave   4
Mixture VII
Mixture VIII
Mixture VIII
Grand Mutation X
Contra Bombarde 32
Bombarde 16
Bombarde   8
Trombone 16
Tuba 16
Euphonium 16
Contra Fagotto 16
Octave Fagotto   8
Tromba   8
Clarion   4
Ethereal Pedal  
Acoustic Bass 32
Diapason 16
Bombarde 16
Bombarde   8
Echo Pedal
Open Diapason 16
Stopped Diapason 16
String Pedal  
Contra Diaphone 32
Diaphone 16
Diaphone   8
Contra Gamba 32
Gamba 16
Gamba   8
First Violone 16
Second Violone 16
First Violone   8
Second Violone   8
Violone   4
Viol 16
Viol (Sharp) 16
Viol   8
Viol (Sharp)   8
Grand String Pedal Mixture XII
Mutation Diaphone 16
Mutation Viol 16
Mutation Viol 10 2/3
Mutation Viol   8
Mutation Viol   5 1/3
Mutation Viol   4
Mutation Viol   2 2/3
Mutation Viol   2
Mutation Viol   1 3/5
Mutation Viol   1 1/3
Mutation Viol 4/5
Vox Humana Chorus Pedal  
First Vox Humana 16
Second Vox Humana 16
Orchestral Pedal (borrowed)  
Bassoon 16
English Horn 16
Bass Clarinet 16
Bass Saxophone 16
PEDAL 75 ranks, 81 stops, 2,573 pipes
CHOIR 24 ranks, 19 stops, 1,452 pipes
GREAT 58 ranks, 43 stops, 3,634 pipes
SWELL 71 ranks,  51 stops, 4,410 pipes
SOLO 51 ranks,  35 stops, 3,713 pipes
ETHEREAL 23 ranks,  21 stops, 1,670 pipes
STRING 88 ranks, 87 stops, 6,340 pipes
STENTOR 1  rank, 2 stops, 61 pipes
ORCHESTRAL 32 ranks, 32 stops, 2,312 pipes
ECHO 33 ranks, 22 stops, 2,013 pipes
VOX CHORUS 8 ranks, 8 stops, 572 pipes
TOTAL 464 ranks, 28,750 pipes